Wednesday, March 21, 2012

When I Grow Up

Rylee- When I grow up I want to be a Vet so I can fix Sammy's leg. (her cousins' dog) And if I get fired I want to be a Country Star!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Catching Butterflies

So the other day we were walking out the door to the car and mind you, its not a far distance. Rylee is clapping her hands in the air and not moving along. This happens everyday, she cannot just walk to the car. So I say, Rylee, is it really that hard for you to walk to the car?! Can we have a time when you get there?! And she replies, I was catching butterflies! OUI! ADHD comes to that saying, "I don't have ADHD...oo look at the butterfly!"

Friday, August 5, 2011


Rylee, while I am getting squash at the store says, Hey that is smash, I love smash!!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

I Wish He Were In Heaven

Connor and Rylee had this little conversation this afternoon

Rylee: I wish he were in heaven because he takes too long
Connor: who do you wish was in heaven?
Rylee: Daddy because he takes too long to do anything
Connor: If he were in heaven then how will we have money and who is going to make our lunches.
Rylee: That is what we have mommy for
Connor: no because she will be at work

She was getting frustrated because it takes Spencer so long to do anything. He is so slow. (something Rylee gets in trouble for lol) dawdling

Monday, June 27, 2011

Oh Rylee

So first thing out of Rylee's mouth is Jesus healed my owie!

Rylee was eating a Chocolate bar and after she was all done she goes my tongue likes chocolate!

Monday, June 20, 2011


So Spencer announces that its Family Home Evening time and Rylee asks why are we having FHE. And Spencer goes so that you can have some religion in your little lives and so rylee again asks why. And Spencer responds with so you are heathens. And of course Rylee asks what is a heathen and Spencer says someone who doesn't believe in God or who doesn't listen to God's rules. And Rylee goes I believe in God, but Chandler Mabb believes in Mario (Mario Bros.)...omosh lol the things she says.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Slimer strikes again

The other day in calendar time in Rylee's class, her teacher (poor Ms. Hartmann) looks up and sees Rylee with a huge glob of snot on her finger and in her mouth it went...trying to no throw up just typing this out. And well I am glad her teacher didn't toss her cookies, but wow that is nasty!